6  Categorical Data

6.1 Objectives

  1. Differentiate between various statistical terminologies such as factor, contingency table, marginal counts, joint counts, frequency table, relative frequency table, bar plot, conditioning, segmented bar plot, mosaic plot, pie chart, side-by-side box plot, and density plot, and construct examples to demonstrate their proper use in context.

  2. Using R, generate and interpret tables for categorical variables.

  3. Using R, generate and interpret summary statistics for numerical variables by groups.

  4. Create and evaluate graphical summaries of both categorical and numerical variables using R, selecting the most appropriate visualization techniques for different types of data and research questions.

  5. Synthesize numerical and graphical summaries to provide interpretations and explanations of a data set.

6.2 Categorical data

Like numerical data, categorical data can also be organized and analyzed. This section introduces tables and other basic tools for use with categorical data. Remember at the beginning of this block of material, our case study had categorical data so we have already seen some of the ideas in this chapter.

The email50 data set represents a sample from a larger email data set called email. This larger data set contains information on 3,921 emails. In this section, we will use the email data set to examine whether the presence of numbers, small or large, in an email provides any useful information in classifying email as spam or not spam.

6.2.1 Contingency tables and bar plots

In the email data set, we have two variables, spam and number, that we want to summarize. Let’s use inspect() to get information and insight about the two variables. We can also type ?email or help(email) to learn more about the data. First, load the openintro library.

email %>%
  select(spam, number) %>%

categorical variables:  
    name  class levels    n missing
1 number factor      3 3921       0
1 small (72.1%), none (14%) ...                

quantitative variables:  
  name   class min Q1 median Q3 max       mean        sd    n missing
1 spam numeric   0  0      0  0   1 0.09359857 0.2913066 3921       0

Notice the use of the pipe operator and how it adds to the ease of reading the code. The select() function allows us to narrow down the columns/variables to the two of interest. Then inspect() gives us information about those variables. We read from top line; we start with the data set email, input it into select() and select variables from it, and then use inspect() to summarize the variables.

As indicated above, number is a categorical variable (a factor) that describes whether an email contains no numbers, only small numbers (values under 1 million), or at least one big number (a value of 1 million or more). The variable spam is a numeric variable, where 1 indicates the email is spam and 0 indicates the email is not spam. To treat spam as categorical, we will want to change it to a factor, but first we will build a table that summarizes data for the two variables (Table 6.1). This table is called a contingency table1. Each value in the table represents the number of times a particular combination of variable outcomes occurred.

Table 6.1: A contingency table for the `email` data.
none small big Total
0 400 2659 495 3554
1 149 168 50 367
Total 549 2827 545 3921

Below is the R code to generate the contingency table.

tally(~spam + number, data = email, margins = TRUE)
spam    none small  big Total
  0      400  2659  495  3554
  1      149   168   50   367
  Total  549  2827  545  3921

The value 149 corresponds to the number of emails in the data set that are spam and had no numbers listed in the email. Row and column totals are also included. The row totals provide the total counts across each row (e.g. \(149 + 168 + 50 = 367\)), and column totals are total counts down each column. The row and column totals are known as marginal2 counts (hence, margins = TRUE) and the values in the table are known as joint3 counts.

Let’s turn spam into a factor and update the email data object. We will use mutate() to do this.

email <- email %>%
  mutate(spam = factor(email$spam, levels = c(1, 0), 
                       labels = c("spam", "not spam")))

Now, let’s check the data again.

email %>%
  select(spam, number) %>%

categorical variables:  
    name  class levels    n missing
1   spam factor      2 3921       0
2 number factor      3 3921       0
1 not spam (90.6%), spam (9.4%)                
2 small (72.1%), none (14%) ...                

Let’s generate the contingency table again.

tally(~spam + number, data = email, margins = TRUE)
spam       none small  big Total
  spam      149   168   50   367
  not spam  400  2659  495  3554
  Total     549  2827  545  3921

A table for a single variable is called a frequency table. The table below is a frequency table for the number variable.

tally(~number, data = email)
 none small   big 
  549  2827   545 

If we replaced the counts with percentages or proportions, the table would be called a relative frequency table.

tally(~number, data = email, format = 'proportion')
     none     small       big 
0.1400153 0.7209895 0.1389952 
round(tally(~number, data = email, format = 'percent'), 2)
 none small   big 
 14.0  72.1  13.9 

A bar plot is a common way to display a single categorical variable. Figure 6.1 shows a bar plot for the number variable.

email %>%
  gf_bar(~number) %>%
  gf_theme(theme_bw()) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Size of Number", y = "Count")
Figure 6.1: Bar chart of the number variable.

Next, the counts are converted into proportions (e.g., \(549 / 3921 = 0.140\) for none) in Figure 6.2.

email %>%
  gf_props(~number) %>%
  gf_theme(theme_bw()) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Size of Number", y = "Proportion")
Figure 6.2: Bar chart of the number variable as a proportion.

Again, let’s clean up the plot into a style that we could use in a report.

email %>%
           title = "The proportions of emails with a number in it",
           subtitle = "From 2012", xlab = "Type of number in the email",
           ylab = "Proportion of emails") %>%

6.2.2 Column proportions

The table below shows the column proportions. The column proportions are computed as the counts divided by their column totals. The value 149 at the intersection of spam and none is replaced by \(149 / 549 = 0.271\), i.e., 149 divided by its column total, 549. So what does 0.271 represent? It corresponds to the proportion of emails in the sample with no numbers that are spam. That is, the proportion of emails that are spam, out of all the emails with no numbers. We are conditioning, restricting, on emails with no number. This rate of spam is much higher than emails with only small numbers (5.9%) or big numbers (9.2%). Because these spam rates vary between the three levels of number (none, small, big), this provides evidence that the spam and number variables are associated.

tally(spam ~ number, data = email, margins = TRUE, format = 'proportion')
spam             none      small        big
  spam     0.27140255 0.05942695 0.09174312
  not spam 0.72859745 0.94057305 0.90825688
  Total    1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000

The tally() function will always condition on the variable on the right-hand side of the tilde, ~, when calculating proportions. Thus, tally() only generates column or overall proportions. It cannot generate row proportions. The more general table() function of R will allow either column or row proportions.

Create a table of column proportions where the variable spam is the column variable.

tally(number ~ spam, data = email, margins = TRUE, format = 'proportion')
number       spam  not spam
  none  0.4059946 0.1125492
  small 0.4577657 0.7481711
  big   0.1362398 0.1392797
  Total 1.0000000 1.0000000

In the table you just created, what does 0.748 represent?4

Exercise: Create a table of proportions, where spam is the column variable and the values shown represent the proportion of the entire sample in each category.

tally(~ number + spam, data = email, margins = TRUE, format = "proportion")
number        spam   not spam      Total
  none  0.03800051 0.10201479 0.14001530
  small 0.04284621 0.67814333 0.72098954
  big   0.01275185 0.12624331 0.13899515
  Total 0.09359857 0.90640143 1.00000000

Data scientists use statistics to filter spam from incoming email messages. By noting specific characteristics of an email, a data scientist may be able to classify some emails as spam or not spam with high accuracy. One of those characteristics is whether the email contains no numbers, small numbers, or big numbers. Another characteristic is whether or not an email has any HTML content (given by the format variable). A contingency table for the spam and format variables is needed.
1. Make format into a categorical factor variable. The levels should be “text” and “HTML”.5
2. Create a contingency table from the email data set with format in the columns and spam in the rows.

email <- email %>% 
  mutate(format = factor(email$format, levels = c(1, 0), 
                         labels = c("HTML", "text")))

In deciding which variable to use as a column, the data scientist would be interested in how the proportion of spam changes within each email format. This corresponds to column proportions based on format: the proportion of spam in plain text emails and the proportion of spam in HTML emails.

tally(spam ~ format, data = email, margins = TRUE, format = "proportion")
spam             HTML       text
  spam     0.05796038 0.17489540
  not spam 0.94203962 0.82510460
  Total    1.00000000 1.00000000

In generating the column proportions, we can see that a higher fraction of plain text emails are spam (\(209 / 1195 = 17.5\%\)) compared to HTML emails (\(158 / 2726 = 5.8\%\)). This information on its own is insufficient to classify an email as spam or not spam, as over 80% of plain text emails are not spam. Yet, when we carefully combine this information with many other characteristics, such as number and other variables, we stand a reasonable chance of being able to classify an email as spam or not spam.

In constructing a table, we need to think about which variable we want in the column and which in the row. The formula notation in some ways makes us think about the response and predictor variables, with the response variable (left-hand side) displayed in the rows and the predictor variable (right-hand side) displayed in the columns. However, in some cases, it is not clear which variable should be in the column and row and the analyst must decide what is being communicated with the table. Before settling on one form for a table, it is important to consider the audience and the message they are to receive from the table.

Create two tables with number and spam: one where number is in the columns, and one where spam is in the columns. Which table would be more useful to someone hoping to identify spam emails based on the type of numbers in the email?6

tally(spam ~ number, data = email, format = 'proportion', margin = TRUE)
spam             none      small        big
  spam     0.27140255 0.05942695 0.09174312
  not spam 0.72859745 0.94057305 0.90825688
  Total    1.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000
tally(number ~ spam, data = email, format = 'proportion', margin = TRUE)
number       spam  not spam
  none  0.4059946 0.1125492
  small 0.4577657 0.7481711
  big   0.1362398 0.1392797
  Total 1.0000000 1.0000000

6.2.3 Segmented bar and mosaic plots

Contingency tables using column proportions are especially useful for examining how two categorical variables are related. Segmented bar and mosaic plots provide a way to visualize the information in these tables.

A segmented bar plot is a graphical display of contingency table information. For example, a segmented bar plot representing the table with number in the columns is shown in Figure 6.3, where we have first created a bar plot using the number variable and then separated each group by the levels of spam using the fill argument.

email %>%
  gf_bar(~number, fill = ~spam) %>%
  gf_theme(theme_bw()) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Size of Number", y = "Count")
Figure 6.3: Segmented bar plot for numbers found in emails, where the counts have been further broken down by spam.

The column proportions of the table have been translated into a standardized segmented bar plot in Figure 6.4, which is a helpful visualization of the fraction of spam emails within each level of number.

email %>%
  gf_props(~number, fill = ~spam, position = 'fill') %>%
  gf_theme(theme_bw()) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Size of Number", y = "Proportion")
Figure 6.4: Standardized version of Figure 6.3.

Examine both of the segmented bar plots. Which is more useful?7

Since the proportion of spam changes across the groups in Figure 6.4, we can conclude the variables are dependent, which is something we were also able to discern using table proportions. Because both the none and big groups have relatively few observations compared to the small group, the association is more difficult to see in Figure 6.3.

In other cases, a segmented bar plot that is not standardized will be more useful in communicating important information. Before settling on a particular segmented bar plot, create standardized and non-standardized forms and decide which is more effective at communicating features of the data.

A mosaic plot is a graphical display of contingency table information that is similar to a bar plot for one variable or a segmented bar plot when using two variables. It seems strange, but mosaic plots are not part of the mosaic package. We must load another set of packages called vcd and vcdExtra. Mosaic plots help to visualize the pattern of associations among variables in two-way and larger tables. Mosaic plots are controversial because they rely on the perception of area; human vision is not good at distinguishing areas.

We introduce mosaic plots as another way to visualize contingency tables. Figure 6.5 shows a one-variable mosaic plot for the number variable. Each row represents a level of number, and the row heights correspond to the proportion of emails of each number type. For instance, there are fewer emails with no numbers than emails with only small numbers, so the none outcome row is shorter in height. In general, mosaic plots use box areas to represent the number of observations. Since there is only one variable, the widths are all constant. Thus area is simply related to row height making this visual easy to read.

mosaic(~number, data = email)
Figure 6.5: Mosaic plot where emails are grouped by the number variable.

This one-variable mosaic plot can be further divided into pieces as in Figure 6.6 using the spam variable. The first variable in the formula is used to determine row height. That is, each row is split proportionally according to the fraction of emails in each number category. These heights are similar to those in Figure 6.5. Next, each row is split horizontally according to the proportion of emails that were spam in that number group. For example, the second row, representing emails with only small numbers, was divided into emails that were spam (left) and not spam (right). The area of the rectangles represents the overall proportions in the table, where each cell count is divided by the total count. First, we will generate the table and then represent it as a mosaic plot.

tally(~number + spam, data = email, format = 'proportion')
number        spam   not spam
  none  0.03800051 0.10201479
  small 0.04284621 0.67814333
  big   0.01275185 0.12624331
mosaic(~number + spam, data = email)
Figure 6.6: Mosaic plot with number as the first (row) variable.

These plots are hard to use in a visual comparison of area. For example, is the area for small number spam emails different from none number spam emails? The rectangles have different shapes but from the table we can tell the areas are very similar.

An important use of the mosaic plot is to determine if an association between variables may be present. The bottom row of the first column represents spam emails that had big numbers, and the bottom row of the second column represents regular emails that had big numbers. We can again use this plot to see that the spam and number variables are associated since some rows are divided in different vertical locations than others, which was the same technique used for checking an association in the standardized version of the segmented bar plot.

In a similar way, a mosaic plot representing column proportions where spam is in the column could be constructed.

mosaic(~spam + number, data = email)
Figure 6.7: Mosaic plot with spam as the first (row) variable.

To completely understand the mosaic plot as shown in Figure 6.7, let’s first find the proportions of spam.

tally(~spam, data = email, format = "proportion")
      spam   not spam 
0.09359857 0.90640143 

So, the row heights will be split 90-10. Next, let’s find the proportions of number within each value of spam. In the spam row, none will be 41%, small will be 46%, and big will be 13%. In the not spam row, none will be 11%, small will be 75%, and big will be 14%.

tally(number ~ spam, data = email, margins = TRUE, format = "proportion")
number       spam  not spam
  none  0.4059946 0.1125492
  small 0.4577657 0.7481711
  big   0.1362398 0.1392797
  Total 1.0000000 1.0000000

However, because it is more insightful for this application to consider the fraction of spam in each category of the number variable, we prefer Figure 6.6.

6.2.4 The only pie chart you will see in this book, hopefully

While pie charts are well known, they are typically not as useful as other charts in a data analysis. A pie chart is shown in Figure 6.8. It is generally more difficult to compare group sizes in a pie chart than in a bar plot, especially when categories have nearly identical counts or proportions. Just as human vision is bad at distinguishing areas, human vision is also bad at distinguishing angles. In the case of the none and big categories, the difference is so slight you may be unable to distinguish any difference in group sizes.

pie(table(email$number), col = COL[c(3, 1, 2)], radius = 0.75)
Figure 6.8: A pie chart for number in the email data set.

Pie charts are popular in the Air Force due to the ease of generating them in Excel and PowerPoint. However, the values for each slice are often printed on top of the chart making the chart irrelevant. We recommend a minimal use of pie charts in your work.

6.2.5 Comparing numerical data across groups

Some of the more interesting investigations can be done by examining numerical data across groups. This is the case where one variable is categorical and the other is numerical. The methods required here aren’t really new. All that is required is to make a numerical plot for each group. Here, two convenient methods are introduced: side-by-side box plots and density plots.

We will again take a look at the subset of the county_complete data set. Let’s compare the median household income for counties that gained population from 2000 to 2010 versus counties that had no gain. While we might like to make a causal connection here, remember that these are observational data, so such an interpretation would be unjustified.

This section will give us a chance to perform some data wrangling. We will be using the tidyverse verbs in the process. Data wrangling is an important part of analysis work and typically makes up a significant portion of the analysis work.

Here is the code to generate the data we need.

county_tidy <- county_complete %>% 
  select(name, state, pop2000, pop2010, fed_spend = fed_spending_2009, 
         poverty = poverty_2010, homeownership = homeownership_2010, 
         multi_unit = housing_multi_unit_2010, income = per_capita_income_2010, 
         med_income = median_household_income_2010) %>%
  mutate(fed_spend = fed_spend / pop2010)

First, as a reminder, let’s look at the data.

What do we want R to do?

We want to select the variables pop2000, pop2010, and med_income.

What does R need in order to do this?

It needs the data object, and the desired variable names.

We will use the select() and inspect() functions.

county_tidy %>%
  select(pop2000, pop2010, med_income) %>%

quantitative variables:  
        name   class   min       Q1 median    Q3     max     mean        sd
1    pop2000 numeric    67 11223.50  24621 61775 9519338 89649.99 292547.67
2    pop2010 numeric    82 11114.50  25872 66780 9818605 98262.04 312946.70
3 med_income numeric 19351 36956.25  42450 49144  115574 44274.12  11547.49
     n missing
1 3139       3
2 3142       0
3 3142       0

Notice that three counties are missing population values for the year 2000, reported as NA. Let’s remove them and find which counties increased in population by creating a new variable.

cc_reduced <- county_tidy %>%
  drop_na(pop2000) %>%
  select(pop2000, pop2010, med_income) %>%
  mutate(pop_gain = sign(pop2010-pop2000))
tally(~pop_gain, data = cc_reduced)
  -1    0    1 
1097    1 2041 

There were 2,041 counties where the population increased from 2000 to 2010, and there were 1,098 counties with no gain. Only 1 county had a net of zero, and 1,0987 had a loss. Let’s just look at the counties with a gain or loss in a side-by-side boxplot. Again, we will use filter() to select the two groups and then make the variable pop_gain into a categorical variable. It’s time for more data wrangling.

cc_reduced <- cc_reduced %>%
  filter(pop_gain != 0) %>%
  mutate(pop_gain = factor(pop_gain, levels = c(-1, 1), 
                           labels = c("Loss", "Gain")))

categorical variables:  
      name  class levels    n missing
1 pop_gain factor      2 3138       0
1 Gain (65%), Loss (35%)                       

quantitative variables:  
        name   class   min       Q1  median      Q3     max     mean        sd
1    pop2000 numeric    67 11217.25 24608.0 61783.5 9519338 89669.37 292592.28
2    pop2010 numeric    82 11127.00 25872.0 66972.0 9818605 98359.23 313133.28
3 med_income numeric 19351 36950.00 42443.5 49120.0  115574 44253.24  11528.95
     n missing
1 3138       0
2 3138       0
3 3138       0

The side-by-side box plot is a traditional tool for comparing across groups. An example is shown in Figure 6.9 where there are two box plots, one for each group, drawn on the same scale.

cc_reduced %>%
  gf_boxplot(med_income ~ pop_gain,
             subtitle = "The income data were collected between 2006 and 2010.",
             xlab = "Population change from 2000 to 2010",
             ylab = "Median Household Income") %>%
Figure 6.9: Side-by-side box plot for median household income, where the counties are split by whether there was a population gain or loss from 2000 to 2010.

Figure 6.10 is a plot of the two density curves as another way of comparing median income by whether there was a population gain or loss.

cc_reduced %>%
  gf_dens(~med_income, color = ~pop_gain, lwd = 1) %>%
  gf_theme(theme_bw()) %>%
  gf_labs(x = "Median household income", y = "Density", col = "Population \nChange")
Figure 6.10: Density plots of median household income for counties with population gain versus population loss.

Use the box plots and density plots to compare the incomes for counties across the two groups. What do you notice about the approximate center of each group? What do you notice about the variability between groups? Is the shape relatively consistent between groups? How many prominent modes are there for each group?8

What components of Figures 6.9, 6.10 do you find most useful?9

  1. A contingency table is a two-way table that shows the distribution of one variable in rows and a second variable in columns.↩︎

  2. Marginal counts are counts based on only one of the variables in a contingency table. For example, there are 367 spam emails in the table.↩︎

  3. Joint counts are counts based on both variables in a contingency table. For example, there are 149 emails that are spam and contain no numbers.↩︎

  4. This is the proportion of not spam emails that had a small number in it.↩︎

  5. From the help menu on the data, HTML is coded as a 1.↩︎

  6. The table with number in the columns will probably be most useful. This table makes it easier to see that emails with small numbers are spam about 5.9% of the time (relatively rare). In contrast, we see that about 27.1% of emails with no numbers are spam, and 9.2% of emails with big numbers are spam.↩︎

  7. Figure 6.3 contains more information, but Figure 6.4 presents the information more clearly. This second plot makes it clear that emails with no number have a relatively high rate of spam email – about 27%! On the other hand, less than 10% of emails with small or big numbers are spam.↩︎

  8. Answers may vary a little. The counties with population gains tend to have higher income (median of about $45,000) versus counties without a gain (median of about $40,000). The variability is also slightly larger for the population gain group. This is evident in the IQR, which is about 50% bigger in the gain group. Both distributions show slight to moderate right skew and are unimodal. There is a secondary small bump at about $60,000 for the no gain group, visible in the density plot, that seems out of place. (Looking into the data set, we would find that 8 of these 15 counties are in Alaska and Texas.) The box plots indicate there are many observations far above the median in each group, though we should anticipate that many observations will fall beyond the whiskers when using such a large data set.↩︎

  9. The side-by-side box plots are especially useful for comparing centers and spreads, while the density plots are more useful for seeing distribution shape, skew, and groups of anomalies.↩︎