12 Named Discrete Distributions

12.1 Objectives

  1. Recognize and set up for use common discrete distributions (Uniform, Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric) to include parameters, assumptions, and moments.

  2. Use R to calculate probabilities and quantiles involving random variables with common discrete distributions.

12.2 Homework

For each of the problems below, 1) define a random variable that will help you answer the question, 2) state the distribution and parameters of that random variable; 3) determine the expected value and variance of that random variable, and 4) use that random variable to answer the question.

We will demonstrate using 1a and 1b.

12.2.1 Problem 1

The T-6 training aircraft is used during UPT. Suppose that on each training sortie, aircraft return with a maintenance-related failure at a rate of 1 per 100 sorties.

  1. Find the probability of no maintenance failures in 15 sorties.

\(X\): the number of maintenance failures in 15 sorties.

\(X\sim \textsf{Bin}(n=15,p=0.01)\)

\(\mbox{E}(X)=15*0.01=0.15\) and \(\mbox{Var}(X)=15*0.01*0.99=0.1485\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{No maintenance failures})=\mbox{P}(X=0)={15\choose 0}0.01^0(1-0.01)^{15}=0.99^{15}\)

## [1] 0.8600584
## or 
## [1] 0.8600584

This probability makes sense, since the expected value is fairly low. Because, on average, only 0.15 failures would occur every 15 trials, 0 failures would be a very common result. Graphically, the pmf looks like this:

gf_dist("binom",size=15,prob=0.01) %>%
  1. Find the probability of at least two maintenance failures in 15 sorties.

We can use the same \(X\) as above. Now, we are looking for \(\mbox{P}(X\geq 2)\). This is equivalent to finding \(1-\mbox{P}(X\leq 1)\):

## Directly
1-(0.99^15 + 15*0.01*0.99^14)
## [1] 0.009629773
## or, using R
## [1] 0.009629773
## or
## [1] 0.009629773
## or
## [1] 0.009629773
## or 
pbinom(1,15,0.01,lower.tail = F)
## [1] 0.009629773
  1. Find the probability of at least 30 successful (no mx failures) sorties before the first failure.

\(X\): the number of maintenance failures out of 30 sorties.

\(X\sim \textsf{Binom}(n=30,p=0.01)\), and \(\mbox{E}(X)=0.3\) and \(\mbox{Var}(X)=0.297\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{0 failures})=\mbox{P}(X=0)=0.99^{30}\)

## [1] 0.7397004
## [1] 0.7397004

Using negative binomial, which was not in the reading but you can research:

\(Y\): the number of successful sorties before the first failure.

\(Y\sim \textsf{NegBin}(n=1,p=0.01)\), and \(\mbox{E}(X)=99\) and \(\mbox{Var}(X)=9900\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{at least 30 successes before first failure})=\mbox{P}(Y\geq 30)\)

## [1] 0.7397004
  1. Find the probability of at least 50 successful sorties before the third failure.

Using a binomial random variable, we have 52 trials and need at least 50 to be a success. The random variable is \(X\) the number of successful sorties out of 52.

## [1] 0.9846474

Or using a negative binomial, let

\(Y\): the number of successful sorties before the third failure.

\(Y\sim \textsf{NegBin}(n=3,p=0.01)\), and \(\mbox{E}(X)=297\) and \(\mbox{Var}(X)=29700\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{at least 50 successes before 3rd failure})=\mbox{P}(Y\geq 50)\)

## [1] 0.9846474

Notice if the question had been exactly 50 successful sorties before the 3 failure, that is a different question. Then we could use either:

## [1] 0.000802238

The \(0.01\) is because the last trial is a failure.


## [1] 0.000802238

12.2.2 Problem 2

On a given Saturday, suppose vehicles arrive at the USAFA North Gate according to a Poisson process at a rate of 40 arrivals per hour.

  1. Find the probability no vehicles arrive in 10 minutes.

\(X\): number of vehicles that arrive in 10 minutes

\(X\sim \textsf{Pois}(\lambda=40/6=6.67)\) and \(\mbox{E}(X)=\mbox{Var}(X)=6.67\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{no arrivals in 10 minutes})=\mbox{P}(X=0)=\frac{6.67^0 e^{-6.67}}{0!}=e^{-6.67}\)

## [1] 0.001272634
## [1] 0.001272634
  1. Find the probability at least 50 vehicles arrive in an hour.

\(X\): number of vehicles that arrive in an hour

\(X\sim \textsf{Pois}(\lambda=40)\) and \(\mbox{E}(X)=\mbox{Var}(X)=40\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{at least 50 arrivals in 1 hour})=\mbox{P}(X\geq 50)\)

## [1] 0.07033507
  1. Find the probability that at least 5 minutes will pass before the next arrival.

\(X\): number of vehicles that arrive in 5 minutes

\(X\sim \textsf{Pois}(\lambda=40/12=3.33)\) and \(\mbox{E}(X)=\mbox{Var}(X)=3.33\).

\(\mbox{P}(\mbox{no arrivals in 5 minutes})=\mbox{P}(X=0)=\frac{3.33^0 e^{-3.33}}{0!}=e^{-3.33}\)

## [1] 0.03567399
## [1] 0.03567399

12.2.3 Problem 3

Suppose there are 12 male and 7 female cadets in a classroom. I select 5 completely at random (without replacement).

  1. Find the probability I select no female cadets.

\(X\): number of female cadets selected out of sample of size 5

\(X\sim \textsf{Hypergeom}(m=7,n=12,k=5)\) and \(\mbox{E}(X)=1.842\) and \(\mbox{Var}(X)=0.905\).

\[ \mbox{P}(\mbox{no female cadets selected})=\mbox{P}(X=0)=\frac{{7\choose 0}{12\choose 5}}{{19\choose 5}} \]

## [1] 0.06811146
## [1] 0.06811146
  1. Find the probability I select more than 2 female cadets.

Using the same random variable: \[ \mbox{P}(\mbox{more than 2 female})=\mbox{P}(X>2)=1-\mbox{P}(X\leq 2) \]

## [1] 0.2365841
## [1] 0.2365841